Schedule: I'm available for contract work as a civil engineer and surface water hydrologist. My specialty is the numerical and statistical modeling of surface water hydrologic processes. That means I use hydrologic principles to analyze watershed behavior including flood hydrology and watershed yield. In addition, I am an expert with open channel hydraulics and the hydraulics of pipelines.
In addition, I have strong statistical analysis skills. I use the
R-project open source software for data analysis and statistical modeling. I write scripts for repeated analysis when appropriate using R.
These pages (my entire website) are hand-coded in XHTML and CSS using either vi, emacs, or BBEdit. There are no wussy code editors used here. :) Be sure to check out the Firefox standalone browser and support the open-source community. I am currently in the process of de-Googling myself because I do not want to give that corporation any more of my personal information. I use the Firefox browser in my Apple and PC computers and on my iPhone and iPad.
Finally I gave up and removed the mail-to link on the right navbar to present my email address in a fashion that is not easily snagged by spammers. I've received too much spam already.